Happy 100th, Lu!

On February 11, our congregation celebrated Jazz Sunday, a Mardi Gras music-filled worship on the last Sunday before Ash Wednesday and Lent. But it also was a special celebration for the 100th birthday of long-time church member Lu Peiffer, who surprised everyone by attending the service with her son.

After the congregation sang a very heart-felt “Happy Birthday”, Bishop Cliff Ives, who had been our church’s minister from 1962-68, delivered an emotional remembrance of meeting Lu for the first time.

Bishop Ives

Bishop Ives explained in the early days of his ministry, many new people were coming to the church and to keep track of everyone, cards were placed in the pews asking if those in attendance were new-comers, visitors, or members.

One Sunday, Ruth Clish, one of the regulars who attended the services, asked her minister, “Which box should I check? I’m not a new-comer, I’m not a visitor, and I’m not a member. Pastor Ives asked why she didn’t consider herself a member and she said it was because she had never been baptized.

Pastor Ives arranged for a special service on April 10, 1963 and he told Ruth he would baptize her at that time and she should bring any friend who also wanted to be baptized.

Seven others attended the service, including Lu Peifer, her husband, two daughters, and son. They all were baptized on that day.

“I still remember that day as being such a precious day in my life,” Bishop Ives told our congregation on Sunday. “It was the day our two lives came together.”

Bishop Ives and Lu Peifer and her son on her 100th birthday

Happy Birthday, Lu!!

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