Jazz Sunday worship and celebrations

As Pastor Kathleen explained in Saturday’s e-mail to the congregation, “Mardi Gras is a celebration of the richness of creation, the music, movement, food, and friendship created for the pleasure of it”.

On February 11 there was all of the above during our annual Jazz Sunday worship, led by Stephen Bither and his talented musical friends and Faith York and the choir. This has been a tradition at our church since 2009.

Stephen Bither

There was uplifting Mardi-style music throughout the service with Stephen on piano, Peter Dunphy on banjo, Peter Lord on saxophone, Tom Wilbur on sousaphone, Barry Daniels on clarinet, Ray Saperstein on trumpet, and Paul Aranson on drums. In addition to her stirring solo of “There Will Be Peace in the Valley”, Faith York accompanied the musicians on the organ with an arm-waving, foot-stomping closing of “When the Saints Go Marching In”.

Director Faith York and the choir

The morning message was delivered by Stephen, reaching out to the gathering and those on Zoom to “be friends with each other, listen to each other, work with each other, and enjoy each other. It is the basis for our religious beliefs: Think of someone else first and enjoy it”.

Lovingly folded into the service was a celebration of Lu Peiffer’s 100th birthday. Bishop Ives gave an emotional remembrance of meeting Lu for the first time in 1963 when he was our church’s young minister.

Lu Peiffer and her son

A pancake brunch followed the service, prepared by the kitchen crew of Steve Hill, Carol Haider, Bruce and Sue Lind, and Pat and Lili Acheson. No one went home hungry!

Friendship was clearly in the air in the sanctuary throughout the service and in fellowship Hall afterward!

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