Good Friday 2024

At Thornton Heights United Methodist Church, 100 Westbrook Street, South Portland

We at Thornton Heights are hosting this Protestant version of the Stations of the Cross at noon on March 29 There will be brief prayers and Scripture readings at each of the stations as we remember the events of that dark day 2000 years ago. The entire service will take about 30 minutes.

As you prepare for this service, we encourage you to read the events of the crucifixion from the Gospel of John:

For those who are unable to attend at noon, there will be handouts for you to walk through the stations yourself between 1-7 p.m. A clergy from one of the Lighthouse Churches (Gwyneth from Thornton Heights, Kathleen from Cape Elizabeth, or Tom from Peoples UMC) will be available to pray with or to answer any questions.

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